Flash News - News of the week in CR on dollar issues, interest rates, no increase and low credits
Flash News - News of the week in CR on dollar issues, interest rates, no increase and low credits

The Financial Newspaper [in Spanish: El Financiero]

The President of the Central Bank defends the exchange rate of the dollar despite criticism from the Chamber of Deputies and government officials.

Róger Madrigal, president of the Central Bank of Costa Rica, [in Spanish: el Banco Central de Costa Rica], (BCCR), is said to be “very receptive” to the worries that several productive chambers and state institutions have indicated regarding the fall in the exchange rate, however, he defended the exhange rate of the currency by stating that it was responding to market forces.



Have interest rates changed like this in other countries? How do they compare with those of Costa Rica?

The period of higher interest rates should be drawing to an end. In fact, some countries in the region have made more than just a downward adjustment as inflation subsides, while others are in a type of time-out.




The Republic

Civil servants would not have an increase in salary for a fifth consecutive year in 2024

Because the burden of the public debt will surpass 60% of the Gross Domestic Product for all of 2024, civil servants would not have an increase in salary for all of next year.  



The fee paid for loans will continue to drop, but slowly, and for dollars it will rise

If you have loans in colones you will pay less in your fees in the mid-term, since the borrowing interest rate will be at 5.21% (previous value: 5.24%).




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