Flash News – Weekly news about CR regarding the low base rate, the Latin American Reserve fund payment (FLAR), exports, and trade agreement with the United Arab Emirates
Flash News – Weekly news about CR regarding the low base rate, the Latin American Reserve fund payment (FLAR), exports, and trade agreement with the United Arab Emirates

CR HOY Newspaper

Expert: Interest rates will continue to drop slowly 

Interest rates on loans will continue to decline, albeit slowly, while international interest rates remain high.




Exporters: Advance payment of Latin American Reserve Fund is the right decision

Officials from the Costa Rican Chamber of Exporters, [in Spanish: CADEXCO], support the payment to the Latin American Reserve Fund, (FLAR), since they consider what measure contributes to stabilizing the exchange rate, which in turn leads to a greater balance in the manufacturing, export, and tourism sector, among others.




El Observador newspaper

Exports of goods from Costa Rica taper off; January 2024 experiences single-digit growth.

Exports from Costa Rica grow, but moderately, and sectors such as the food, cattle, fishing, and chemical and pharmaceutical industries are among those that showed growth.




Costa Rica and United Arab Emirates will approve a trade agreement in the upcoming weeks

The government signed a joint statement with the United Arab Emirates, (UAE), confirming the conclusion of negotiations for a trade agreement that will provide greater legal certainty, for both trade and invesment.




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