Law for the protection of complainants and witnesses of acts of corruption against retaliation in employment
Law for the protection of complainants and witnesses of acts of corruption against retaliation in employment

In a significant step in the fight against corruption, on February 8, 2024, Gazette 24 published Law 10437, entitled: "the Law for the Protection of Complainants and Witnesses of Acts of Corruption against Retaliation in Employment, [in Spanish: la Ley de Protección de las Personas Denunciantes y Testigos de Actos de Corrupción contra Represalias Laborales"].

Objective of the Law: 

• To protect complainants and witnesses of acts of corruption from any workplace reprisal, without requiring that the complaint be proven.

• For both the public as well as the private sector, any individual may report acts of corruption without being obligated to maintain confidentiality. 

• Suspensions, firings, negative workplace changes, discrimination, among others, are included. 

• It establishes a special exemption for complainants and witnesses, which prevents unfair workplace changes, and those carried out without prior approval. 

• It guarantees access to free legal advice and summary proceedings for complaints stemming from workplace reprisals.

• Employers who commit reprisals can face significant penalties, according to the severity of the act.

• The law entails amendments to the Labor Code, [in Spanish: el Código de Trabajo], and to other laws related to corruption and employment.

• The law becomes effective immediately and establishes a 12-month period for its implementation.

• This new legislation aims to foster a retaliation-free environment for those who work against corruption, which in turn strengthens the reporting and protection mechanisms. 



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