Law for the Protection of Older and Retired Persons in Honduras
The National Congress of Honduras approved an amendment to Articles 3 and 30 of the "Law for the Protection of Older and Retired Persons”, [in Spanish: la Ley Integral de Protección al Adulto Mayor y Jubilados], pursuant to Decree No. 59-2023, published in the official journal “the Gazette” on February 14, 2024.
This amendment makes a distinction between the third and fourth age:
The amendment establishes discounts and benefits for senior citizens, whether retired or not, such as:
Moreover, discounts are offered on a wide variety of services and products, such as food, health, entertainment, and lodging. Businesses must apply these provisions when selling goods and services to persons in these age groups.
In short, these amendments aim to improve the protection and benefits provided to older and retired persons in Honduras, although their effectiveness will depend on the proper implementation and compliance by all those involved.
Development of the Honduran Labour Cases System, [in Spanish: Sistema Hondureño de Casos Laborales], (SIHCAL) in order to improve the Provision of Services to the Labor Sector:
The Ministry of Labor and Social Security Affairs, [in Spanish: La Secretaría de Trabajo y Seguridad Social], (SETRASS), and World Vision International, [in Spanish: Visión Mundial], through the Bright Futures Project, [in Spanish: Proyecto Futuros Brillantes], and financed by the Department of Labor [in Spanish: el Departamento de Trabajo] in the United States, promote the Honduran Labor Cases System (SIHCAL). This system represents a quantum leap in the streamlining and efficiency of services provided to the Honduran workforce.
The Honduran Labor Cases System integrates high-end technology into processes that used to take weeks or even months, thereby simplifying cumbersome procedures.
Laura Dogu, U.S. Ambassador to Honduras, has emphasized the importance of gainful employment in order to promote economic stability and prevent irregular migration.
The kick-off meeting will involve key officials from the Ministry of Labor and Social Security Affairs, (SETRASS), World Vision International, and representatives from the business and labor sectors.
It consists of a framework for linking electronic documentation with advanced IT security, allowing companies and citizens to register and process labor cases efficiently.
The system includes a service expected by Honduran citizens, that allows them to register companies quickly and electronically, in full compliance with the law.
The Honduran Labor Cases System, (SIHCAL), represents a milestone in workforce streamlining and modernization in Honduras by facilitating access to gainful employment and by promoting economic development in the country.
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