Automatic return of balances in favor
Automatic return of balances in favor

By Decree 1422 of August 6th, 2019, the National Government regulated article 855 of the Tax Statute, about the automatic return of balances in favor of both Income and VAT.

Among the main requirements to qualify for an automatic return, the Decree states the following:

1. Being a taxpayer that does not represent high risk, this according to the analysis that the DIAN will carry out.

2. Having more than 85% of the costs or expenses or taxes on deductible sales, supported by invoices issued through the electronic system previously validated.

The amount requested in the return will be reimbursed within 50 days of the date of the request.

For the above, the DIAN will have 6 months from the effective date of this Decree to implement the measures described in it.

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