COVID-19 Weekly update 04/08/2020 Colombia
COVID-19 Weekly update 04/08/2020 Colombia

Through this flash, we detail the main benefits and regulatory changes that have occurred in the last week as a result of the state of emergency, which Colombia finds itself as a result of COVID-19.

Tax Issues

1. The Ministry of Treasury, through Decree 520 of April 6th, established the new deadlines for the presentation of the declaration of income and assets abroad.

Decree 520 of April 6th, 2020

2. DIAN, through one of its offices, clarified the terms described in Decree 520 of April 6th, 2020, mentioning that due dates for the presentation of income statements will be in June and July 2019. According to the calendar described in said decree.

Document 0411 of 2020

3. Through resolution 0031 of 2020, DIAN modified Resolution 0030 of March 29th, 2020, through the emergency measures were adopted to guarantee the attention and provision of services by DIAN.

Resolution 0031 of 2020

Labor Issues

1. The Ministry of Labor issued Resolution 853 of 2020 through which it dictates measures for the granting of benefits related to the Mechanism for Protection of Unemployed established in Decree 488 of 2020.

Resolution 0853 of 2020

2. Through Resolution 385 of 2020, Pension Management, Parafiscal Contributions of Social Protection (UGPP) suspending terms in parafiscal processes and actions of that entity.

Resolution number 385 of 2020

Themes of interest

1. The Minister of Commerce, Industry and Tourism announced that the new credit lines were extended to all sectors of the economy in order to seek to maintain the liquidity of the companies.

Know the details here!

2. The Ministry of Finance and Public Credit issued Legislative Decree through which temporarily authorizes governors and mayors to carry out budgetary movements, within the framework of the State of Economic, Social and Ecological Emergency.

Legislative Decree 512 April 2nd, 2020

Summary of measures

Through this link, you will find the summary of the government authorities about COVID-19 / See Document.

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