Flash News Accountant|Financial-Corporative and Compliance matters
Flash News Accountant|Financial-Corporative and Compliance matters

1.The Superintendence of Companies clarifies through Concept 177213 the expression “companies that are obliged to permanently consult the binding lists” for the purposes of SAGRILAFT.

Chapter X of the Basic Legal Circular of the Superintendence of Societies does not determine limits on how the Obliged Company must establish the knowledge of its counterparties and final beneficiaries, nor the way or frequency in which must be consulted the lists binding. Therefore, the Obliged Company must define what will be the additional and suitable mechanisms to comply with the said obligation, considering its risks and their materiality.

See: Supersociedades - Concepto jurídico_OFICIO 220-177213


2.The Superintendence of Companies indicated through Concept 171064 that the compliance officer of SAGRILAFT and the PTEE must be domiciled in Colombia.

In the concept mentioned above, issued on August 8th, 2022, the Superintendence of Companies detailed the considerations for the Compliance Officer to be domiciled in Colombia, based on the importance of its work and functions in the companies.

See: Supersociedades - Concepto jurídico_OFICIO 220- 171064


3.The Financial Superintendency ends a pilot test for issuing bonds using blockchain technology exclusively.

This first pilot, which corresponds to the first of its kind in the region, was considered a complete success. During the entire cycle of negotiation in the Colombian capital market, time efficiencies and cost reduction were evidenced.

See: Superfinanciera7_2022

If you require more information regarding this topic, contact us. We will be pleased to assist you: contacto@jadelrio.com

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