Flash news - Weekly update on labor issues in Colombia
Flash news - Weekly update on labor issues in Colombia

1. Payment of the Legal Premium for Services, remember that no later than December 20th, 2022, you must pay your employees the equivalent of the second semester of the service premium. 

This social benefit must be paid to all employees regardless of the length of service; it applies to domestic service employees, family drivers, and butlers. 

See: http://www.secretariasenado.gov.co/senado/basedoc/codigo_sustantivo_trabajo_pr010.html


2. The Ministry of Social Protection, through Resolution 2346 of 2007, regulates the practice of taking occupational exams and managing medical records. 

Applies to all employers, the types of evaluation: (i) Medical evaluation of admission (ii) Periodic medical evaluation (iii) Medical evaluation for retirement.

See: https://jadelrio.com/storage/Boletines/Colombia/18/2RESOLUCION2346DE2007.pdf 


3. Through Resolution 4386 of October 9th, 2018, the Ministry of Labor created a platform for the registration and certification of foreign employees; this will allow the Ministry of Labor to obtain information about labor immigration in Colombia. 

Public and private sector companies are responsible for registering foreign employees on the platform. 

All dependent and independent foreign workers, and all workers registered with (Special Permission to stay) PEP - for its acronym in Spanish who make contributions to the social security system, must be registered with (Single Registry of Foreign Workers) - Rutec - for its acronym in Spanish, at the time of joining and job termination. 

See: https://jadelrio.com/storage/Boletines/Colombia/18/3ResoluciC3B3n4386de2018.pdf 


4. The Migration Colombia Special Administrative Unit issued Resolution 1238 of 2018, which regulates the conditions for compliance with migratory obligations and sanctioning procedures.

(Foreigner Registration Information System) Sire - for its acronym in Spanish, is a software through which the Migration Colombia Special Administrative Unit reports on linking, hiring, withdrawing, entering, and other conditions of foreign citizens.

There are 15 calendar days from the start of the contract and/or its termination to advance the registration with the SIRE.

See: https://jadelrio.com/storage/Boletines/Colombia/18/4Resolucion_uaemc_1238_2018.pdf 


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