Labor Flash News - Publications of the Ministries of Labor and Health
Labor Flash News - Publications of the Ministries of Labor and Health

1.The Ministry of Labor issued the Unified Concept for Contribution Base Income (Social Security) for self-employed.
On August 2nd, 2022, the Ministry of Labor issued the Unified Concept 35861 establishing the considerations for determining the Base Income (Social Security) that the self-employed must have.

See: Ministry of Labor unified concept for contribution self-employed 

2.The Ministry of health and Protection issued the Decree 1427 of July 29th, 2022.
This Decree establishes the specificities to consider in the payment of maternity leave for multiple births, licenses issued in another country. Likewise, it establishes a WEB portal for the disabilities and licenses information system (SIRE - its acronym in Spanish) which will allow the traceability and flow of resources. 


3.Ministry of Labor issued the Decree 1227 of July 18th, 2022.
With this decree the relates the latest provisions on e-work, as well as the obligations of the ARLs – (Occupational risks administration) in this matter.


4.The Ministry of Labor issued the Unified Concept for Law 1857, 2017, and modifies Law 1361, 2009
The family protection measures, and other provisions are added and complemented, (i) Possibility of entities to make working hours more flexible so that the employee can fulfill their family duties of support and protection (ii) Granting of the working day by semester (family day).

5.The Clothing and footwear provision, expires on August 31st, 2022 (Art. 230 Labor Code - CST)
Entities with employees who earning up to 2 SMMLV – (legal minimum wage), are entitled to receive payment of this benefit three (3) times a year; April, August, and December; consider reporting in digital payroll the payment of this benefit under the NIE 156.  


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