INFONAVIT | Submission of 2023 Tax Report
INFONAVIT | Submission of 2023 Tax Report

Employers who have opted to file their tax report to the Tax Administration Service, [in Spanish: el Servicio de Administración Tributaria], (SAT), must submit a copy of the report regarding the tax situation of the contributor. 

The period for complying with this obligation is within 15 business days following the due date of its submission to the Tax Administration Service. 

The paperwork must be filed electronically to the e-mail addresses that are authorized for this purpose, or be submitted in person to the corresponding Regional Office of the National Housing Fund for Workers, [in Spanish: Infonavit], according to the fiscal address of the company.

For the aforementioned procedure, it is important to submit:

  • A Cover Letter of the Tax Report (Format DO-01).
  • Obligatory documentation in PDF and/or Excel format.
  • The format and instructions for filling out the form can be found on the Infonavit website at:, in the section: Employers > Additional Procedures > Tax Report > Process for submitting Tax Report [in Spanish: Patrones > Tramites adicionales > Dictamen Fiscal > Proceso para presentar tu Dictamen Fiscal] respectively. 

Please bear in mind that:

  • The form must be filled in only on a computer. 
  • The form must be signed by the employer or legal representative. 
  • The form must be submitted to the Tax Collection Department of the Regional Office of Infonavit that is closest to the fiscal address of the company or audited entity within 15 business days from the expiration of the term, in order to be submitted to the Tax Administration Service [SAT], or by e-mail to the official government e-mail addresses of: Hernández Reyes Ana Yolanda and Villicaña Lozano Francisco Iván

Thank you for your time and attention. We would like to remind you that our team in JA del Río will gladly assist you in matters concerning compliance in your company, as well as offer you options and solutions to help address these provisions.  


Please contact us at: if you wish to learn more about our services.

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