Obligation to submit the report and tax annexes for the year 2022 in view of INFONAVIT
Obligation to submit the report and tax annexes for the year 2022 in view of INFONAVIT

Employers who have submitted their Tax Report to the Tax Administration Service, [in Spanish: SAT], are obligated to submit all exhibits concerning contributions, with respect to employer contributions, to INFONAVIT [in English: The National Housing Fund for Workers], within a term of 15 business days from the expiration date of its submission. 

The document may be submitted electronically or in person to the Regional Office that corresponds to the fiscal address of the employer.

It is very important to note that if it is done through electronic means, then the following rules must be adhered to for the submission of documentation:

- Official e-mails for the sending of documentation:

ayhernandezr@infonavit.org.mx  and fvillicana@infonavit.org.mx All information sent to other e-mails will not be linked, and as such, will not be valid. Consequently, you must verify that the addresses are written correctly.

- In this regard, you must indicate the procedure that is being carried out and the name of the audited employer, for example: ACKNOWLEDGEMENT OF TAX REPORT_EXAMPLE OF COMPANY S A DE CV

- You must indicate in the body of the e-mail the address of the e-mail that will be used as a means of contact, the same which cannot be modified, once the documents are submitted. 

- You must send an e-mail through the audited company (different reports originating from the same e-mail account will not be accepted).

- Compressed files will only be received in .ZIP format.

- You may send two or more e-mails if the documentation exceeds the capacity limit. In addition, you must specify in the body of the e-mail the number of sent e-mails that, due to excessive documentation, could not be sent in only one e-mail. 

Acknowledgement of receipt:

The Institute will send an e-mail that acknowledges the receipt of the information and the documentation. Once the information has been reviewed and validated, and determined to be complete and correct, the Institute will send a folio number to the indicated e-mail address as a means of contact. 

Important consideration:

If in two business days you have not received the first e-mail from the Institute that acknowledges receipt of the information for validation purposes, then the employer must report to the Regional Office in person with a copy of the e-mail that was sent, in order to carry out the procedure. 

Thank you for your time and attention. We would like to remind you that our team in JA del Río will gladly assist you in matters concerning compliance in your company, as well as offer you options and solutions to help address these provisions.  contacto@jadelrio.com

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