REPSE registration and renewal
REPSE registration and renewal

Individuals and legal entities that are registered in the Registry of Providers of Specialized Services or Specialized Works, [in Spanish: el Padrón Público de Prestadoras de Servicios Especializados u Obras Especializadas], (REPSE), must apply for renewal of the obtained registry in the Department of Labor and Social Services, [in Spanish: la Secretaría del Trabajo y Previsión Social], taking into consideration the guidelines indicated in the Agreement that amends the article in which are disclosed the Provisions of a general nature for the registering of individuals and legal entities that provide specialized services or who carry out or perform specialized works, as referred to in Article 15 of the Federal Labor Act, [in Spanish: la Ley Federal del Trabajo], published on February 21 in the Official Gazette of the Federation [in Spanish: el Diario Oficial de la Federación]. 


Registration renewal periods

Based on the foregoing, individuals must apply for the renewal three months before the date on which the period of validity ends, according to the following table:

Registration Year

Month in which registration was issued

Month of registration renewal





From March to May 2024



From April to June 2024



From May to July 2024



From June to August 2024



From July to September 2024



From August to October 2024



From September to November 2024




From October to December 2024



From November 2024 to January 2025



From December 2024 to February 2025



From January to March 2025



From February to April 2025



From March to May 2025



From April to June 2025



From May to July 2025



From June to August 2025



From July to September 2025



From August to October 2025



From September to November 2025




From October to December 2025



From November 2025 to January 2026



From December 2025 to February 2026



From January to March 2026



From February to April 2026



From March to May 2026



From April to June 2026



From May to July 2026



From June to August 2026



From July to September 2026



From August to October 2026



From September to November 2026



Once the period has expired, the platform will automatically deactivate the “renewal module”.

Registrations that have been issued as of January 1, 2024, from this moment on must take into account the same assigned months for the 2022 and 2023 years for their renewal.


Where to renew?

You must log in to the platform at:, in the RENEWAL REGISTRATION module to perform the procedure.


Renewal requirements

You must comply with all of the following points to carry out the inscription or renewal of your registration in REPSE:

  1. Be fully paid up concerning your tax obligations and social security. 
  2. Submit information and supporting documentation regarding training, certifications, permits, or licenses that regulate an activity, equipment, technology, assets, social capital, machinery, risk level, average salary range, and experience; among others.
  3. The services or specialized works that you want to register must be stated in the corporate purpose and must concern individuals about their certificate of tax status.


Follow-up Procedure 

Once the data and indicated documentation is uploaded, as per Article (Art. IX), the platform will assign a folio number, which the applicant may use to follow up on the registration process. (Art. VIII)

If the data is uploaded on a non-working day and hour, the folio number will be generated with a date that reflects the next working day.

The Department of Labor and Social Services must issue a ruling within 20 days following the application, regarding the renewal of REPSE.

If the Department of Labor and Social Services does not issue a ruling, the applicant may request that the corresponding renewal or registration notice be issued within 3 subsequent business days. Once the period has elapsed without the authorities issuing a notice, the registration or renewal of REPSE will be confirmed.

Once the documentation has been reviewed by the Department of Labor and Social Services, via the Department of Gainful Employment through the General Directorate of Federal Labor Inspection [in Spanish: la Unidad de Trabajo Digno and la Dirección General de Inspección Federal del Trabajo respectively], the registration or renewal in the registry will be carried out, and a corresponding registration or renewal notice will be issued, with a notice being sent through the previously established means.

The registration or renewal notice will contain the following information: 

• The registration number 

• The folio number for each service or specialized work that is registered

• The name of the service or specialized work

• The name of the individual or moral entity of this. (Art. XII)


What happens if you don’t renew in the established periods?

Those who have not renewed their registration within the established period will have their registration canceled.

For those who may have canceled this registration and in connection with the said cancellation were removed from the Registry, and who may have begun a new process, the 3-year validity period will be as counted from the new registration in the Registry.


Please contact us by e-mail at: if you would like more information about our services.  

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