COVID-19 Weekly update 04/30/2020 Colombia
COVID-19 Weekly update 04/30/2020 Colombia

The following are the latest relevant news on regulations recently issued regarding corporate, tax, and labor issues arising from the health emergency caused by COVID-19, as well as other key issues.

It is highlighted that through Decree 593 of 2020 the National Government extended the mandatory clearance until 00:00 am on May 11th, 2020, excepting - among others - the Manufacturing Chain, construction works activities, games of luck and chance (lotteries and gambling) and money exchange offices, as well as the sector of bikes and public parking lots.

Decree 593 of 2020

Corporate issues

1. Superintendency of Societies again extended the deadlines to conduct the presentation of the financial statements for the year 2019 before that entity. Therefore, the deadlines will begin the next May 13th, ending on June 10th (considering the last two digits of the tax ID “NIT”)

External Circular 100-000008 of 2020

2. The Superintendency of Notary and Registry set a five (5) hour day for the provision of the public notarial service.

Resolution 3523 of 2020

Tax Issues

1. DIAN clarified, through Concept 100208221-485 of April 28th, 2020, the requirements for the application of the temporary exemption from VAT for the import and sale of goods and medical supplies necessary for emergency COVID-19.

DIAN concept 100208221-485 of April 28th, 2020

2. National Government issued the decree that regulates the Colombian Holding Companies (CHC) regime incorporated through the 2010 Law of 2019.

Decree 598 of April 26th, 2020

3. In a virtual meeting, the Technical Council of Public Accounting announced some useful tax ideas for the Government and its entities aimed at issuing tax returns, penalties, a mechanism for the payment of VAT, interest rates, and deferral of tax obligations, among others.

Fiscal Ideas - Technical Council of Public Accounting

4. The District Treasury Secretary issued Resolution SDH-000215 20 of April 20th, 2020, through which extend the deadline to issue the withholding Industry and commerce (ICA) tax return of the 2nd and 3rd bimester of the year 2020 up to July 17th of the same year.

Resolution 215 of 2020

5. DIAN, through its Sectional Directorates, informed citizens that virtual mailboxes had been set up to file documents to DIAN.

Press release April 13th, 2020

Labor Issues

1. Ministry of Health and Social Protection issued Resolution 686 of April 28th, 2020, through which established the guidelines that must be taken into account to adjust the Integrated Payroll-Contribution Settlement Form – “PILA – for its acronym in Spanish” so as to embrace the rules given through Decree 558 of 2020. Likewise, said resolution clarifies, when the contributors take on the reduction of the contribution (to 3%) in April and May, there will be no obligation to pay contributions to the Solidarity Fund Pension.

Resolution 686 of 2020

Other topics of interest

1. Through Resolution 666 of April 24th, 2020, the Ministry of Health determined the general biosafety protocol for all economic, social, and sectoral activities of the public administration.

Resolution 666 of 2020

Summary of the main measures

Through the following link, you will find the summary of the main measures issued by the Government Authorities about COVID-19 / See here.

Should you need advice or further information, please do not hesitate to contact our team of professionals who will be happy to assist you.

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