COVID-19 Weekly update 05/08/2020 Colombia
COVID-19 Weekly update 05/08/2020 Colombia

On May 6th, 2020, National Government issued Decree 637 through it declared a new state of Economic, Social, and Ecological Emergency for 30 days from the date mentioned above.

Having declared the new Economic Emergency, it is expected that the National Government issues a new series of Legislative Decrees through which will impart rules, guidelines, and economic reliefs to mitigate the referred Economic Emergency.

Amongst the reliefs mentioned by President of the Republic of Colombia, Dr. Ivan Duque Marquez, and that will be reflected through these Legislative Decrees are: (I) the extension of the term to make the second or third payment of income tax for end of the year, and (II) a subvention (for three months) of 40% of the minimum salary of workers in all companies that have had a decrease in their billing of at least 20%.

Details and rules will be detailed in Decrees that will be issued in the coming days, so through the following bulletins, we will be announcing such Decrees and the main measures that will be provided.

Decree 637 on May 6th of 2020

To highlight, although mandatory preventive isolation was extended until 00:00 on May 25th, through Decree 636 of May 6th, new sectors were announced that will be able to start their work from next May 11th, including: (I) Manufacture of furniture, mattresses and bed bases, (II) Manufacture of vehicles, (III) Manufacture of computer, electronic and optical products, (IV) Manufacture of machinery and equipment, (V) Maintenance and repair of vehicles, (VI) Maintenance and repair of technology and computer equipment, (VII) Wholesale and retail trade of cars, (VIII) Wholesale trade of furniture and household goods, (IX) Retail trade of pet products, (X) Retail trade of construction materials, hardware, locksmith services, glassware and paint services, (XI) Wholesale trade of machinery and equipment, (XII) Retail trade of automotive cleaning and maintenance products, (XIII) Retail trade of books, newspapers and stationery supplies, (XIV) Home laundry service, (XV) Vehicle maintenance services, appliances, boats, agriculture machinery or fishing, and (XVI) Automotive Diagnostic Centers.

Decree 636 of 2020

Moreover, DIAN:

1. Made, through Concept 100208221-513 of May 6th, 2020, its opinion regarding the application of the solidarity tax by COVID 19 in contracts of professional services and support in public management.

DIAN Concept 100208221-513

2. Issued Resolution 00038, through which implements the electronic notification.

DIAN resolution 00038 of April 30th of 2020

Finally, it is highlighted that the Treasury Secretary of Bogota extended the measure of suspension of terms in processes that are carried out by the District Tax Directorates of Bogotá and Collection of Secretary of District Treasury.

Resolution 000223 of April 30th of 2020

Should you need advice or further information, please do not hesitate to contact our team of professionals who will be happy to assist you.

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