Flash news - News of the week on labor matters in Colombia
Flash news - News of the week on labor matters in Colombia

1. Employee’s children between 18 and 25 years old, affiliated with contributory health system may continue as beneficiaries of their parents. 

It is recalled that since FY2014, the ex-president of the Republic of Colombia Juan Manuel Santos Calderón sanctioned Decree 1164 of June 25th, 2014, any person between 18 and 25 years old, who is not employed or listed as an independent and whose parents contribute to the contributory regime, will be part of the family group and will be affiliated to the health system as a beneficiary.




2. Registration of profile and assignment of positions by gender, functions, and remuneration, discriminating class or type, and contractual form.

It is recalled that Article 5 of Law 1496 of 2011, “through which equal pay is guaranteed,” established the obligation for all companies in the public and private sectors to register the profile of the comparative situation of the conditions of employment, remuneration, and training of women and men, which should contain the following fields: 

  • Job profile
  • Functions
  • Gender of the person holding the position
  • Amount of remuneration
  • Type of employment contract

The Ministry of Labor may conduct audits on companies randomly and impose sanctions on those who do not comply with the requirement. 

As a result of the formation of the Elite group of Labor Inspection for Gender Equality, this process takes on greater relevance for companies. 

See: https://jadelrio.com/Colombia/Flash26/3.Ley_1496_de_2011.pdf 

3. The maintenance support for SENA apprentices will be 75% of the legal minimum wage, according to the unemployment rate confirmed by DANE, which for FY2022 was 11.2%. 

The fifth paragraph of Article 30 of Law 789 of 2002 determines that the payment for maintenance support for SENA students in the experimental stage will be 75% of the Legal Minimum Wage and will increase to 100% when the national unemployment rate is less than 10%. 

Remember that the contribution base for payment of health and occupational risks will continue to be 100% of the monthly minimum wage. 

See: https://jadelrio.com/Colombia/Flash26/4.Ley_789_de_2002.pdf 


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