Flash News -Weekly financial and accounting update in Colombia
Flash News -Weekly financial and accounting update in Colombia

1.On September 16th, the Superintendence of Companies issued an official letter 220-207779 through which it clarifies some concerns regarding the information that proves the configuration of the causes provided for in 12 of Law 222 of 1995 on the right of withdrawal for associates in companies in merger and spin-off processes.

Article 12 of Law 222 of 1995 establishes that in the face of the processes of transformation, merger, and spin off, the right of withdrawal arises for the associates, provided that such restructuring means "a greater responsibility or implies a deterioration of their property rights". In the conditions where these situations are not evident, the associate must appeal for the evidentiary means that allow him to support the origin of the withdrawal, being able to appeal for the Superintendency of companies when there are discrepancies between the associate and the Company

See: https://OFICIO_220-207779_DE_2022.pdf


2.Companies in a restructuring process regulated by Law 1116 of 2006 are not required to comply with the apprentice quota.

Through official letter 220-205782 of September 2022, the Superintendence of Companies specified that the companies above are considered exempt from the duty to hire apprentices while an insolvency process is in progress and in compliance with the agreement reached between the creditors and the debtor. The preceding, considering the provisions of article of Decree 1072 of May 26th, 2015, and b) Concept No. 57084 of October 1st, 2018, issued by the Group of Legal Concepts and Regulatory Production of the National Apprenticeship Service SENA - for its acronym in Spanish.

See: https://OFICIO_220-205782_DE_2022.pdf


3.On September 8th, 2022, the IASB published the proposal to update the accounting standards for SMEs.

This proposal would reflect the improvements made to the complete standards but still maintain the appropriate standard for SME businesses. The deadline for comments is on March 7th, 2023.

See: https://www.ifrs.org/news-and-events/news/2022/09/iasb-publishes-proposals-to-update-its-accounting-standard-for-small-and-medium-sized-entities/

4.The Ministry of Information Technologies and Communications - MINTIC proposes the amendment to the technical Annex of Decree 2420 of 2015 Accounting, financial information, and information assurance standards. Any comments must be submitted before September 27th, 2022.

Through this project it is intended to incorporate into national legislation the Interpretations and Amendments issued by the IAASB during the periods 2019 to 2021, which mainly correspond to the following standards:

- IAS 220 (Revised) Quality Management for the Audit of Financial Statements

- IAS 315 (Revised) Auditing Accounting Estimates and Related Disclosures.

- IAS 540 (Revised) Auditing Accounting Estimates and Related Disclosures

- ISQM 1 Quality Management for Auditing Firms Performing Audits or Reviews of Financial Statements or Other Assurance Engagements or Related Services

- ISQM 2 Engagement Quality Reviews

- ISRS 4400 (Revised) Previously Agreed Procedures.

See: https://www.ctcp.gov.co/noticias/2022/ministerio-de-comercio-industria-y-turismo-publico 


If you require more information regarding this topic, contact us. We will be pleased to assist you: contacto@jadelrio.com


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