Flash news - Weekly news on finance in Colombia
Flash news - Weekly news on finance in Colombia

1.The Ministry of Treasury and Public Credit, through decree 2443 of December 12th, 2022, modifies the statutes of Banco de la República issued through decree 2520 of 1993.

This decree was issued to align Banco de la República with the International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS), allowing financial instruments to be classified in a new category: fair value with changes in Other Comprehensive Income.

See: https://jadelrio.com/Colombia/Flash21/1.DECRETO2443DEL12DEDICIEMBREDE2022.pd.pdf 


2.The National Health Superintendence published a single draft circular for discussion, which compiles the instructions given by SuperSalud in accordance with current regulations. 

This guide mentions the guidelines for implementing good practices related to the code of conduct and good governance, transparency and business ethics program, and the risk management system. At the same time, it addresses issues related to accounting, fiscal auditing, internal auditing, and the internal control system.

Comments can be submitted until January 18, 2023.

See: https://jadelrio.com/Colombia/Flash21/2.ProyectoC3ADtuloDisposicionesGenerales-CircularC39Anica.pdf  


3.Through External Circular No.43 of 2022, the Superintendence of Solidarity Economy modifies some guidelines of Chapter II - Title IV of the Basic Accounting and Financial Circular, modifications that occur as a result of the current economic situation facing the country in a context of significant increases in exchange rates and inflation, factors that impact the performance of the solidarity organizations supervised by the entity.

Through the circular, some aspects of the Credit Risk Management System contained in Chapter II of the Basic Accounting and Financial Circular are modified, and the reference model implementation schedule is adjusted, indicating the dates of application for supervised entities

See: https://jadelrio.com/Colombia/Flash21/3.circular_externa_43_modificacion_cronograma_pe.pdf 


4.The Ministry of Treasury and Public Credit published a draft decree for comments, which regulates articles 70 and 73 of the Tax Code concerning the adjustment of the cost of fixed assets to determine the income or occasional profit for the taxable year 2022.

Through the project, articles 70 and 73 of the Tax Statute are regulated, and articles are replaced. and of Chapter 17, Title 1 of Part 2 of Book 1

of Decree 1625 of 2016, Sole Tax Regulation, taxpayers may adjust the cost of fixed assets for the taxable year 2022.

Comments can be submitted until December 16th, 2022.

See: https://jadelrio.com/Colombia/Flash21/4.Proyecto-de-decreto.pdf 


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