On July 6, the Mexican Social Security Institute, [in Spanish: el Instituto Mexicano del Seguro Social], released a statement regarding the procedure for obtaining temporary disability for workers infected with COVID, owing to an increase in cases.
In order to minimize the chains of transmission, the Mexican Social Security Institute has streamlined the procedure for obtaining benefits that now takes five days, which is the same period of time for treating a disability that is considered a general illness, that is, the Mexican Social Security Institute will cover 60% of the fourth and the fifth day. These disabilities may be processed online or through the digital web application of IMSS, (the Mexican Social Security Institute), from any smartphone.
This online procedure can be completed at the following link: https://testcoronavirus.imss.gob.mx/webcovid19/Account/Login, or directly through the digital web application of IMSS.
The procedure is very straightforward. General information regarding the person’s Population Registration Code, [in Spanish: CURP], will be requested, along with the Social Security Number, Zip Code of where the person resides, and other relevant information. Afterward, you must answer a questionnaire and attach your National Statistics Institute card, [in Spanish: INE], and positive test result for COVID if you have it. Lastly, your e-mail, phone number, address, and Standardized Bank Code, [in Spanish: CLABE] of your account will also be requested; the same which you must share with your employer.
Please do not hesitate to contact us if you would like any further information. We would be pleased to assist you if you have any questions related to this or any other employment related matter.