Flash News - Increase of the Minimum Wage by 9.53% for FY2025
Flash News - Increase of the Minimum Wage by 9.53% for FY2025

1. The President of the Republic of Colombia (Gustavo Petro) announced through a speech the increase of the minimum wage that will govern in Colombia on January 1st, 2025; the figures were established as follows:

i. Ordinary Current Monthly Minimum Wage COP 1.423.500

ii. Monthly Legal Transportation Assistance COP 200.000

iii. Current Integral Monthly Minimum Wage COP 18.505.500

iv. Productive Stage Apprentice Support Fee COP 1.423.500

v. Apprentice Support Fee for the Teaching Stage COP 711.750

See  https://www.mintrabajo.gov.co/presidente-decreto-salario-minimo-para-2025-quedo-en-1.623.500-incluido-auxilio-de-transporte


The DIAN has established a 5.81% increase in the value of the Tax Value Unit - as its acronym in Spanish – UVT.

2. The Tax authority set the Tax Value Unit (UVT) that will govern for 2025 through Resolution No. 193 of December 4th, 2024:

i. Tax Value Unit (UVT) COP 49.799.


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