"Ley Silla" Approved: Learn about your company's obligations regarding employees rest right.
"Ley Silla" Approved: Learn about your company's obligations regarding employees rest right.

On December 19, 2024, the Official Gazette of the Federation, [in Spanish: el Diario Oficial de la Federación], amended the Federal Labor Act, [in Spanish la Ley Federal del Trabajo], which establishes new obligations for employers  with regard to the right to rest for employees  during a workday. For employers, the amendment establishes the following obligations:

  • Provide a sufficient number of chairs or chairs with backrests that must be available to all workers and be located in specific areas for that purpose, which are designated in the same facilities of the workplace.  The same provision will be recognized in industrial establishments when permitted by the nature of the work performed therein.
  • Prohibition of forcing employees to remain standing during the entire working day, as well as prohibiting them from sitting down periodically during the performance of their duties.
  • It is forbidden for employers to carry out any act  that is aimed at exercising control over the union to which their workers belong.

In the provisional articles, the current initiative will come into effect in 180 calendar days from its publication in the Official Gazette of the Federation, with an additional 180 calendar days for employers to adapt their internal regulation, in order to comply with what is established. Lastly, it establishes a period of 30 calendar days from the moment this decree comes into effect, so that the Department of Labor and Social Services, [in Spanish: la Secretaría del Trabajo y Previsión Social], may publish the corresponding guidelines regarding the risk factors of occupational hazards. 

J.A. DEL RÍO offers a wide array of specialized consulting services to assist you with these and other matters, in order to ensure that your project complies with the applicable characteristics  contained in this agreement.

If you have any questions, J.A. DEL RÍO can provide you with our experts to advise in matters concerning compliance with your legal and tax obligations. Once again, please let us know if we may be of any further assistance to you at: contacto@jadelrio.com.